Advertise with Pokemap

Why Pokemap?

PokeMap is a website with a collaborative map of all the Pokemon in Pokemon Go now. Users can participate by adding discoveries and helping other users. .The website attracts a large audience across the world who love Pokemon and games.

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Ad Types Available


Sizes Available: Banner 970X250, 728X90, 336X280, 300X250 Mobile Banner:320X50, 300x600, 970x90

Display Rates:
Worldwide: [CPM: $6.00, CPC: $2.00]
US only: [CPM: $8.00, CPC: $2.60]
Custom Target (US States & Cities): [CPM: $10.00, CPC: $3.30]

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General Demographics

Average demographics for Pokemap .

United States Traffic
9M+ MM
Ad Impressions Available